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الثلاثاء، 21 أبريل 2020

كيف تقدم اقتراح؟؟؟؟ ? How to Making Suggestion

عندما نكون بالعمل او بالمنزل او حتى بين اصدقائنا فإننا كثيرا ما نحب ان نقدم مقترحات لحلول افضل لغيرنا مثلا عندما نزور صديقنا فى منزله الجديد ونود ان نقدم له اقتراحا بخصوص تجديد شئ معين به او رأينا فى  تغيير لوحة معلقة على الحائط مثلا.

وكذلك فى عملنا ... عندما نقترح على زملائنا ان نتشارك فى امر معين او نغير من اسلوب وخطوات العمل الادارى مثلا

كل ذلك سيكون بالانجليزية

ولكن كيف؟؟؟ هذا هو درسنا الجديد

كيف تقدم اقتراح؟؟؟؟ 

? How to Making Suggestion

*يمكننا ان نصيغ اقتراح من خلال استخدام الافعال المساعدة في الجملة الخبرية او في السؤال وغالباً ما يكون الفاعل (you) او ( we ) . 

*· تستطيع ان تعمل اقتراح بأستخدام (could) في الجملة الخبرية او استعمال (couldn’t) في السؤال , وكما في الامثلة التالية ... 

If the business doesn’t work out we could sell it.

? Couldn’t you just build more factories

You could have a nursery there.

*· اذا اردت ان تبين بأن فكرة اقتراحك فكرة جيدة استعمل ( should ) او ( ought to ) لذلك , وكما في الامثلة التالية ... 

You should ask Ahmed  about this.

I think you ought to try a different approach.

*· اذا اردت ان يكون اقتراحك اكثر تأدباً استخدم (shouldn’t) او (oughtn’t) مع السؤال وكما في الامثلة التالية ... 

? Shouldn’t we at least give her a chance

? Oughtn’t we to phone the police

*· اذا اقترحت فعل شيء ما واردت ان تُقنع شخصاً ما بأن يفعله , استخدم ( must ) , ولكن هذه الطريقة تستخدم مع شخص تعرفه بشكل جيد يعنى بينك وبينه عشم  , مثل ... 

You must say hello to your daughter.

We must go to the place, perhaps have a weekend there.

*· اذا اردت ان تستعمل اقتراحاً بصورة مؤدبة جدا  استخدم ( might) مع الضمير ( you ) في الجملة الخبرية حيث ( might ) تكون متبوعة بفعل بمعنى يحب او يريد , وكما في الامثلة التالية ... 

You might like to comment on his latest proposal.

I thought perhaps you might like to come along with me.

*· وكذلك يمكن عمل اقتراح مؤدب بأستخدام (it might be) متبوعة بأسم او صفة وجملة 
to) المصدرية , وكما في الامثلة التالية ... 

I think it might be idea to stop the recording now.

It might be better to wait a while.

*· يمكن ان تقترح ان تعمل شيئاً ما مع شخصاً ما سويا وذلك بأستخدام ( shall ) في بداية السؤال , وكما في الامثلة التالية ... 

? Shall we go and see a film

? Shall we go on to question number six

Shall we talk about something different ?now

*· يمكن استخدام السؤال المنفي والذي يبدأ بـ ( why ) لعمل اقتراح , مثل ... 

Why don’t we just give them what they want?

? Why don’t you write to her yourself

*· وكذلك يُمكن استخدام سؤال يبدأ بـ ( what about ) او ( how about ) لعمل اقتراح , وكما في الامثلة التالية ... 

? What about becoming an actor

How about using makeup to dramatize your features.

*· اخيراً , يمكن استخدام الجملة الامرية لعمل اقتراح , مثل ... 

‘Give them a reward each’, I suggested.

وبذلك نكون قدمنا كل صيغ الاقتراحات بكل صورها ولكل الاشخاص التى تربطنا بهم علاقات عمل او اخوة وصداقة
والى اللقاء فى الدرس القادم ان شاء الله تعالى

الاثنين، 19 يونيو 2017

Chocolate crunch & raspberry pots


  • 250g punnet raspberries
  • 2 tbsp Cointreau (or Grand Marnier)
  • zest and juice from 1 small orange
  • 100g pack dairy, gluten and wheat-free, ‘Free From' chocolate (we used Kinnerton Luxury Dark Chocolate Bar)
  • 3 tbsp soya milk
  • 50g caster sugar
  • 6 tbsp gluten, wheat and nut-free muesli muesli (we used The Food Doctor Cereal, nut-free)


  1. Divide the raspberries between 4 glasses. Sprinkle ½ tbsp of Cointreau and a little orange zest and juice over each, then set aside.
  2. Melt the chocolate and stir into the soya milk, then set aside. Tip the sugar into a pan along with 3 tbsp water. Over a gentle heat, cook without stirring for about 7 mins until the sugar melts and starts to turn golden brown. Tip in the muesli, stir, then pour onto a tray lined with baking parchment. Leave to cool, then shatter into thin shards.
  3. Divide the chocolate mixture between the glasses and allow to cool, but don’t refrigerate. Scatter over the caramel crunch to serve

Seven Principles of Clean Eating

The latest buzz word among health-conscious consumers, “eating clean,” is a concept that stresses healthy, whole, unprocessed foods. And, although the phrase is relatively new, the principles of this plan are not.
The principles are based on current nutrition science and are similar to recommendations made by public health organizations. This sound approach to eating and living well maximizes your energy and optimizes your health, making it more than just a diet. It’s a lifestyle, with built-in flexibility, meaning it can be adapted to fit most any kind of routine.
"Clean Eating" dates back to the natural health food movement of the 1960s, which shunned processed foods for the sake of moral and societal values (rather than health and nutrition issues).  Eventually it landed in gyms, where it gained momentum among body builders and fitness models. Recently, however, it made the jump into mainstream America, rejuvenating and inspiring a new generation of healthy eaters.
With each move, the clean eating concept became more refined and developed.  Here are the seven core principles of today:

1. Choose whole, natural foods and seek to eliminate or minimize processed foods.

Processed foods are anything in a box, bag, can, or package, and although there are always a few exceptions to the rule (like a bag of fresh green beans), the majority of your foods should be fresh.

2. Choose unrefined over refined foods.

While it may not be possible all the times, you can up your intake of whole grains like brown rice, millet, amaranth, and quinoa. Beans and legumes are also important. Clean sugars include honey, maple syrup, and dehydrated sugar cane juice.

3. Include some protein, carbohydrate and fat at every meal.

Most of us typically do well with carbohydrates and fat, but we often lack protein, especially in the early part of the day, like at breakfast and lunch. Protein is an important muscle-builder, and it can also help curb your appetite. When eaten throughout the day, it keeps us feeling full longer. Be aware of the kinds of meals you put together and space out your protein.

4. Watch out for fat, salt, and sugar.

This is easier than you think, particularly if you’ve cut out processed foods, which are responsible for most of our excess calories and high levels of fat, sugar, and salt. Clean foods are usually naturally low in all of these ingredients.

5. Eat five to six small meals throughout the day.

This usually pans out into three main meals and two or three hefty snacks. Eating this way prevents you from skipping meals and overeating. It also keeps your blood sugar levels steady so energy doesn’t lag.

6. Don’t drink your calories.

High calorie drinks like specialty coffees and soft drinks, on average, tack on an extra 400 to 500 calories a day. Choose water first, or my personal favorite, unsweetened tea (any flavor). Other clean drinks: low-fat or skim milk and 100 percent fruit juice diluted with sparkling water.

7. Get moving.

Regular physical activity is a must for many reasons. Not only does it decrease fat, strengthen and build muscle, and help you burn more energy at rest, it keeps your heart, lungs, and bones healthy and strong.